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The PID #55 Website is embedded here for the latest information.

Community Peers,  


Safety Concern: 

We are facing a safety issue in our community: due to excessive speed, negligence, and lack of patience, our contractors working on the road feel unsafe. Their productivity is also being impacted by people driving recklessly as they work, thus reducing the value the community receives from our limited funds.  


We fully understand that we have many users of the local roads that are not local, and this communication will not reach them.   


As locals we must ask that we each slow down, and wait patiently as the road crews do their work. We requested signage to be put out to help warn folks the road crew is working.  If we all slow down and be patient, our cautious driving habits will extend to the non-locals who must follow us as we travel the roads.  


What happens if the road crew continues to be at risk: 

1) The worst happens, someone gets hurt 

2) The road crew will require the PID to contract traffic control services 

A) Extra cost, not resulting in improved road conditions  (~$1,000 per day cost). Our budget is limited so if we spend money on traffic control, that means less money for materials such as road base

B) Extra delays for travelers -  No longer simply slipping by when and where safe, but wait as the flaggers coordinate traffic  

3) Our vendor decides to no longer work with the community – This puts us in a bind as there are very few vendors interested in this work.  


What can you Do:  

1) Drive the speed limit 

2) Reduce your speed further around the road crew 

3) Wait patiently, only pass when and where safe. In most cases, the road crew will NOT wave you by. This is due to liability and safety concerns.  

4) Limit or avoid traveling when the road crew is working  

5) Lead by example - Drive with caution, communicate with your guests, friends, family and service providers about the road work and driving safety 


Thank you,

Storm Mountain PID #55


PO Box 314 Drake CO 80515

Cedar Springs Improvement Association ©2022

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